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What You Need to Know About Spiritual Illness and Disease

what is spiritual malady

If you are struggling with alcoholism or any other addiction, it is important to seek help from AA or another 12-step program. A spiritual malady, then, reduces to a sense of otherness felt by many alcoholics that prevents them from feeling at peace with themselves and the world around them. Ultimately all threats are existential threats, but just bits and pieces of this more massive threat. The huge burden that humans bear is the ability to contemplate our own annihilation—death. This biases our system towards threat physiology and plays a significant role in our health and wellness. As we are an inherently spiritual species, we frequently fear a spiritual death as much as a physical death.

Complicated Grief, Soul Loss, and the Dark Night of the Soul

These are all positive things that can help you on your journey to recovery, regardless of your beliefs. In AA, one of the main goals is to become sober and stay sober. To do this, members must rely on their support system which includes other members, sponsors, and meetings. When people become what is spiritual malady too self-reliant, they often start to think that they don’t need AA anymore. They may start to skip meetings, distance themselves from their support system, and eventually relapse. It is strange paradox, the more you focus on helping others, the more you discover how much you matter.

what is spiritual malady

Get to know your needs as an empath or highly sensitive person

It is sad that countless addicts and alcoholics have rejected 12 Step recovery because the G_d word is up on the wall and included in prayers and literature. For example, one can engage in psychotherapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). These therapies can get to the underlying emotional issues that often lead to that first drink or drug. We often take them to grave sooner rather than later unless we decide to be open and share our secrets with another person. Most of us were determined to take these secrets, these “sins” to the grave.

Signs and Symptoms of Spiritual Malady

  • Well, if you’ve been in Celebrate Recovery or any 12-step program for a while you know that, for most people who are actively working the steps, over time the mental obsession dissipates.
  • There are also many great detox facilities in Glenwood Springs that can help people get the physical component of addiction out of their system and under control.
  • Some people can have one Christmas cookie and they’re good.
  • On page 62 the text explains that “Selfishness-self-centeredness!

The practice of Christian Meditation offers a remedy to the spiritual malady. When we enter the silence with discipline and perseverance, we make space for  the living presence of God to heal us from the inside out. The great psychiatrist Carl Jung called this a ‘low level thirst for wholeness – for union with God’.

what is spiritual malady

what is spiritual malady

It’s a path of healing; of reuniting us with our true Spiritual Nature. Since the Divine is the source of our energy (our life force), when we are alienated from it, we experience numerous illnesses that manifest in endless forms. Once you’ve found something that you can believe in, it’s important to remember that your Higher Power is there for you when you need it. When things get tough, take a moment to pray, meditate, or just sit quietly and think about your Higher Power and what it means to you.

  • Is describing, essentially is referring to a stark void in our lives that we constantly attempt to fill with outside things such as drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, or anything we can think to try to feel better.
  • I gave many more things to address but the last year or so I’ve felt stuck.
  • When I accepted that the ‘spiritual malady’ was about my beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, I came to see that many of my own beliefs and thoughts on this subject were contributing to my disease.
  • Most of us were determined to take these secrets, these “sins” to the grave.
  • First thing’s first, let’s put aside the religious connotations of prayer (you don’t need to be religious to pray).

Understanding the ‘Three-Fold Illness’

what is spiritual malady

Practicing prayer and meditation helps us be mindful of our surroundings and gain consciousness of our spirituality by bringing us closer to our higher power. Strengthening this relationship with a spiritual being brought us hope that we can recover from the mental and physical suffering of alcoholism. You’re probably wondering what a spiritual malady is. Anyone can be spiritually maladapted, but as an alcoholic, we use alcohol to deal with having a spiritual malady. Many people say that alcoholics have a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. But there is more to our threat load than the physical and spiritual.

Issue 2: Dark Spiritual Teachers

  • Only once we open the spiritual channels and begin to accept a Higher Power into our lives can we hope to find a solution to our alcoholic condition.
  • None of these things are conducive to a healthy recovery.
  • This is an article for all those who have experienced regular grief and loss, and are struggling to move forward.
  • And for those experiencing complicated grief, there’s not much energy to do anything else.